
Come on in and make yourself at home.   Would you like a coffee?…. or tea, perhaps?
ようこそ!   どうぞお気軽にお入りください。コーヒーはいかがですか。それともお茶にしますか。



”There are no short-cuts to learning a language; it takes time and effort. Therefore, it must be fun. It is important to enjoy your studies and continue at your own pace, in an environment that you are comfortable with. Keep going, and you will, one day, be able to speak English.”
『 外国語の習得に近道はありません。時間と努力が必要です。だからこそ、楽しくなければいけません。心地よい環境で、楽しく学ぶこと、そして自分のペースで続けることが大切です。続けられれば、英語が喋れるようになります。』
トゥーリーズクラスルームは、今度こそ英語を身につけたい人にぴったりのカリキュラムになっています。 基本の文法をしっかり押さえ、会話へと自然につなげていきます。 海外に精通した豊かな経験をもとにレッスンをしますので、英会話だけでなく文化や習慣なども楽しく学べて、 ロングステイや海外旅行の時に役立つことでしょう。

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Unfortunately, at this time, Tooley’s Classroom does not have any children’s classes.

COVID19 Measures コロナウイルス対策

Tooley’s Classroom is taking certain measures to protect the students from Coronavirus:
# Mr. Henwood stands at least 2 metres away from the students while conducting lessons.
# The desks are spaced to give an amount of ‘social distance’ between students.
# The students are no longer required to wear masks, but may do so according to their own judgement.
# The classroom is well-ventilated using air conditioning and a circulation fan, with fresh air coming in through an open window.
# All desks and often-touched surfaces are wiped with alcohol between classes.

Hybrid System ツーウエイによる授業参加

Any students who are, for some reason, unable to participate in the classroom have the option of joining the class by Zoom in real-time.

At Tooley’s Classroom, you are welcome to enjoy complimentary coffee and tea.